Use BALÍK PLUS LOYALTY programs for communication with existing customers
Why not to use your own packages for communicating with customers?
Recent data from companies shows that simultaneous work on traffic attraction and per ...
In today´s digital world you can easily reach millions of people in just one day. The question is whether your campaign will reach customer with strong purchasing power or someone who just follows similar pages but has no intent to purchase any item?
Past two months were quite eventful in our company. Our teams in Hungary, Czech Republic and Romania represented our company and the concept of package inserts at 5 different conferences for e-commerce community in CEE region.
Would you like to have first hand SEO information?
Naturally, at the first sight, Vouchers and voucher codes are associated with a fashion or cosmetic industry, due to their largest number on the market.
Whether you prefer to shop online or in the malls, you’ll find the discount coupons.
Temperatures are rising, sun rays are gaining their strength – let´s prepare sunglasses!
Stoklasa brings seasonal inspiration to creative people as well as creative ideas for the home.
Since tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to meet with e-commerce professionals working in the Hungarian market.